Abdominal therapy is an ancient technique that comes from Mayan Abdominal Massage. It is a thorough massage of the abdomen, lower back and hips to help bring balance and unobstructed flow of blood, lymphs, nervous system and navel energy to the organs and muscles.
Abdominal massage therapy is a gentle way of healing many internal abdominal conditions from the outside. Other forms of treatments may also include herbal steaming, castors packs, scar release, breath-work, meditation and yoga.
Abdominal Therapy can help with:
- Back pain
- Hip pain
- Postpartum recovery
- Infertility
- Reproductive organ health
- Painful periods
- Fibroids
- Scar tissue
- Prostate health
- Bladder pain
- Prolapse
- Digestive issues
- Hiatal hernia